

The LinuxClassLibrary is a growing set of classes which everyone needs every day, that runs on all types of *nix and also on Win32. Currently it is a library that works in the background (non GUI). Current features are character handling, file descriptors (sockets, file, etc.), a database system (like the Perl DBI), an event system, template collection classes (set, heap, hash, etc.), IPC, protocols, plug-ins, and images.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-02-23 18:58 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Wesentliche Funktionserweiterungen, Bugfixes und Code-clean-ups fertig waren. LThreads wurden umgeschrieben (mit einer Kompatibilität Schnittstelle). LSerializer wurde neu geschrieben und hat jetzt eine deutlich bessere Leistung. Viele kleinere Korrekturen vorgenommen. Ausnahmen wurden aufpoliert und erweitert, um mehr verwendbar sein. LConfigSystem war sehr aufgeräumt und die Unterstützung für die alte LConfigParser wurde zu Gunsten von LConfigModules droppped.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Major feature enhancements, bugfixes, and code
clean-ups were done. LThreads were rewritten (with
a compatibility interface). LSerializer was
rewritten, and has much better performance now.
Many minor fixes were made. Exceptions were
brushed up and enhanced to be more usable.
LConfigSystem was cleaned up greatly, and support
for the old LConfigParser was droppped in favor of

Project Resources