Einfache Projektliste Software-Karte

110 Projekte im Ergebnis
Letztes Update: 2007-11-20 23:36


refdb-mode is a minor mode for Emacs that implements an interface to RefDB, a reference management and bibliography tool for SGML, XML, LaTeX, and Muse documents. It integrates nicely with psgml, nxml-mode, AucTeX, and muse-mode. refdb-mode provides the complete functionality of the RefDB command line clients
from a graphical interface. You can add and edit references, notes, and styles, run queries, and insert the results as citations into your DocBook, TEI, LaTeX, or Muse documents. You can also look up cited references in the database right from your document. You can create, transform, and view these documents with a mouse click. This amounts to an integrated authoring environment for markup languages with reference management and bibliography support.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2008-06-05 06:24


Boneyard uses plain text files to fill in
boilerplates when starting a new file in Emacs.
It's trivial to set up, easy to customize, and
focused on doing one thing well.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2002-10-05 15:57


BlogMax makes it easy to use Emacs to maintain a Web log. You define templates
and an FTP site for uploads. Most of your site's content is defined by text
files. Saving a text file automatically wraps the template around it, expands
macros and shortcuts, and saves the HTML file. Other commands in "weblog" mode
upload files via FTP, create an RSS file, yank links or blockquotes into the
buffer, create shortcuts, etc. The BlogMax Web site was, of course, created
with BlogMax. It has been tested in Emacs 20.3.1 on Windows and Emacs 20.4.1 on
Mandrake Linux.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2001-01-30 06:12


Gnutran is a simple, Emacs-based front-end to a number of machine translation engines available on the Web. It can send emacs buffers to a translation engine, request a translation (e.g. English to Portuguese) and display the result on a new window. GNUTRAN interoperates with emacs-based email agents such as VM-Mail and features a highly configurable interface, allowing easy set up of new translation pairs through Emacs' customization interface.

Letztes Update: 2003-04-11 06:41

Palm Commandline Tools

The Palm Commandline Tools are a set of Perl scripts which make your
PalmOS PIM databases available on the command prompt. The package also
includes an [X]Emacs mode for Todos.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2008-03-21 09:54


epydoc.el is an Emacs LISP program to write Epydoc
documentation comments. It supports forrow
functions. epydoc-insert-file-comment inserts
file comments and @file, @author, and @copyright
automatically. epydoc-insert-function-comment
inserts function comments and @param/@return
automatically. epydoc.el is based on Tom Emerson's

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2005-12-04 21:46


Auto-recompile is a small emacs add-on that allows
you to fix compilation errors faster. It does this
by continuously compiling the program you are
working on while you are fixing problems. It
eliminates the need to explicitly start a
compilation for every fix you make, and manages
your compilations and error lists in the
background so that all you have to do is go from
error to error and fix them until the program

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2002-04-13 04:19

DesktopAid for (X)Emacs

DesktopAid will save your editing session when you
quit (X)Emacs, and reload it when you start
(X)Emacs again. All of your active frames and
loaded files will be restored as if you had never

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2004-08-12 05:11

Online Journal (Records Mode for Emacs)

Records allows Emacs users to keep an online
personal journal. Records indexes your personal
journal by subject and date, understands web
compatible links to a variety of documents, keeps
track of TODO lists, and operates as an editor and
a browser.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2001-01-30 06:13


sawfish.el is a GNU Emacs programming mode for editing sawfish lisp code.

Letztes Update: 2002-03-12 12:25

emacs template-mode

template-mode.el is an emacs minor mode that lets
you bind keys to insert templates. Templates for
function headers, function bodies, a file template
are amongst the samples included.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2006-02-26 10:16


Xtla is the Emacs front-end to the GNU Arch revision control
system. It provides user-friendly wrappers for tla native
commands and some higher level features such as the
bookmark manager. The main features are a PCL-CVS-like
interface for tla inventory and tla changes, an archive browser,
good integration in Emacs, a bookmark manager, integration
with ediff, Emacs's graphical diff tool, an interface to view
missing patches from all your partners with a single command,
and an Emacs mode for arch-related files (log files, =tagging-

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2011-12-31 20:35

Emacs epackage

emacs-epackage is an Emacs extension for the Distributed Emacs Lisp Package System (DELPS). With it, you can install Emacs extensions that have been made available as Git DVCS repositories. This format is called "epackage".

(Machine Translation)
Betriebssystem: OS Unabhängig
Programmiersprache: Emacs-Lisp
Themen: Freecode.com, Emacs
Letztes Update: 2002-07-21 17:40


ics.el is a comint based Emacs major mode for
handling the text portion of communications with
internet chess servers such as FICS and ICC. It is
written in Emacs-Lisp and works best in
conjunction with a graphical interface such as
Xboard. It handles colour highlighting and
"buttonisation" (making certain portions of text
active so that, for example, you can challenge
opponents with a single mouse click) as well as
command recall and editing and automation of
commands based on regexps seen in the ICS output,
all highly customisable using Emacs lisp.

(Machine Translation)
Letztes Update: 2003-12-08 13:23

Template Menu for Emacs

Template Menu is a package for GNU Emacs that adds
an "Insert Template" submenu to your Emacs File
menu. It relies on Christoph Wedler's template.el

(Machine Translation)